Tech Grove Connect – Gender Equity in an Evolving Work Environment: Why Men Want this Too!

Tech Grove Connect NTSA Webinar Graphic
  • 3/10/2022 11:00 am - 12:00 pm EST
  • Event Type : Webinar
    Event Code : 21B0


Watch the recording from this month's webinar!


The United States ranks among the last in the world for supportive work-family policies like family leave, career breaks, childcare, and gender and pay equality all of which influence career progression. Companies leading the change by adopting policies that support women and families find they can increase loyalty, engagement, productivity, performance, and create a mutually beneficial relationship for employers and employees. Companies with gender-balanced teams have a higher return on equity than less diverse peers.

This insightful study brings attention to issues faced by working women, particularly in the aerospace and defense industries. The team also offers recommendations to address those issues and strengthen the workforce, productivity, and growth of these critical national security industries through greater attraction and retention of female talent.

In celebration of International Women's Day on March 8 and Women's History Month in March, we will feature the I/ITSEC 2021 Best Paper nominee providing insight into the challenges facing women in the workforce. Authored by a team from Serco Inc., this paper was nominated by the Policy, Standards, Management and Acquisition (PSMA) Subcommittee.


About the Tech Grove Connect Webinar Series

These are not your typical webinars. Tech Grove Connect is an interactive opportunity to explore hot training topics from defense industry partners and Navy experts. While there may be some interesting talks, the Central Florida Tech Bridge will host creative social and learning events where you will be able to mix in with experts and share your questions and experiences. Interviews with domain experts, behind the scenes of up-and-coming programs, cutting-edge topic talks, and audience-driven discussion groups will all be part of the next season. Stay tuned for our schedule of events, our curated series of topics, and to meet up in the next Tech Grove Connect.


Reneé Despot - Event Logistics
(703) 247-9490

Carol Dwyer
(703) 247-9471