I/ITSEC 2023 Recap
With nearly 18,000 total attendees including multiple international attendees, industry leaders, active duty, and government participants, I/ITSEC has continued strong in 2023. I/ITSEC opened with an unprecedented fireside chat with the Hon. Douglas R. Bush, Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics and Technology) and GEN Gary M. Brito, USA, Commanding General, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), along with the industry keynote, Doug A. Bowman, Ph.D., Frank J. Maher Professor of Computer Science, Virginia Tech. There were over 160 distinguished government senior leaders and a steady continuation of government booths on the exhibit floor. I/ITSEC continues to produce a cost-effective professional-development partnership focused on training, education, and innovation.
I/ITSEC 2023 Conference Statistics**
Exhibit Visitors: 9,150*
Conference Attendees: 5,450*
Exhibit Personnel: 6,850
International Visitors: 2,040 attendees from 60 Countries
Press Outlets: 65
Exhibiting Companies: 517 companies occupying 467 exhibit spaces in 210,000 net square feet
*All registration categories include access to the exhibit hall, with the number of combined visitors and the 6,850 exhibit personnel already present on the floor, nearly 18,000 visitors walked the I/ITSEC exhibit halls. **Registration numbers are early estimates, NTSA will audit and if required, will update registration information no later than January 2024.
See I/ITSEC 2023 Show Daily